The Logo Boneyard

This new website has just started up and I think it's pretty cool. Every company wants to be known for their own unique identity, and that identity so often is hinged upon a single mark, the logo. As artists and designers it is our responsibility to create these mini-masterpieces that capture anything and everything about an organization and it's agenda.

Not so simple a task, many logos get created and tossed aside because they don't quite hit the mark. Although they may not fit the client, many of these discarded logos are little gems that get buried, never to been seen again. The Logo Boneyard is giving these logos a second chance to live and shine and putting them on display for the world to see.

I'm super-excited because I've been lucky enough to have two logos chosen to be displayed at the boneyard. I really recommend you check them out and if you have something pretty buried in the depths of your harddrive, feel free to submit too!

And I just have to say how much I LOVE the identity for the site itself! Mmmm bones and swirls!